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Prenuptial advice for college students

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2019 | Divorce

A prenuptial agreement can be effective for anyone thinking about getting married regardless of how old they are. For younger people attending school in Arizona and elsewhere, they may find it hard to imagine one day having many valuable assets to divide. It can also be tough to think about the future when there is uncertainty over what type of educational and career track a person could take.

However, the discussions that take place while working out a prenuptial agreement can serve young people well. A conversation with a parent or a financial adviser may make it easier for a student to find out what he or she owns and what those assets are worth. The prenuptial agreement could help determine what happens to assets if a spouse dies. In some cases, younger individuals may agree to let assets pass to the deceased spouse’s parents or other relatives.

Writing up this document can also serve as the impetus to find out how much debt a person has and how long it will take to repay. Even if a couple chooses not to create such an agreement, it is important to at least have the conversation about it. Doing so can help set the financial and other expectations that will define the relationship going forward.

A prenuptial agreement may make any property division issues related to a divorce easier to solve. As long as the agreement is valid, its terms will dictate what happens to assets that were acquired before and during the marriage. It may also determine what happens to any debts that were accrued before or during a marriage. Ideally, the agreement will be created and reviewed by an attorney several months before a person gets married.
