For those planning and preparing to welcome a child into their lives, it is clear that the costs with having and raising a child can be extensive. However, not everyone plans and saves up to expand their family. Even more so, some parents do not remain together to raise their children. This can cause on parent to bare more of a financial burden than the other because they are the custodial parent.
In order to offset this, child support orders are established; however, if a non-custodial parent does not uphold the terms of this order, this could create financial hardships. Nonetheless, custodial parents have the ability to seek enforcement of the order to ensure these financial obligations are continually met.
Enforcement of child support in Arizona
When a child support order is established in the state of Arizona, monthly payments according to the order must be paid on time. If payments are not made timely, there are a variety of actions that could be taken to enforce the payments required by the order. This includes a court action that could result in jail time, liens on personal and real property, license suspension for driving, professional and recreational activities, tax refund intercepts, bank account seizure, passport denial, credit bureau reporting, lottery winning intercept, unemployment insurance benefit intercept or workers’ compensation intercept.
Modifying a child support order
Failing to pay child support may be due to financial hardships; however, it may be done out of spite to hurt the custodial parent. Depending on the situation, child support may be modified to accommodate the noncustodial parent’s financial situation. In contrast, if delinquent payments is intentional, payments may increase to address back pay, interests and penalties.
Ensuring the needs of your child are met is not always easily accomplished. If a noncustodial parent does not uphold their financial obligations, this can cause financial hardships for the custodial parent. Enforcing a current order or seeking a modification of the child support order may be necessary. This could help ensure that the best interests of the child are also met.